The Secret to Happy Customers is a Fast Learning Support Team

Customer support representatives and their managers are facing a new set of challenges as a result of the move to remote work. Without casual office interaction with teammates, it becomes more difficult to capture knowledge and share it across the team. These challenges were known to some teams before the pandemic, but their impact on […]

Sales Just Went from Hard to Harder. Can Your Team Keep Up?

Even before COVID-19, the way we do business and sell was fast evolving, thanks to growing tech-enabled and remote sales methods. Now, it’s changing at turbo speed. Gone are the days of regional reps and expansive trade shows. Like many other business activities, sales in the post-COVID world increasingly take place online and remotely. According […]

What Can Sales Teams Do to Sell More in the Post-COVID World?

Keeping sales teams performing at their top is harder than ever. Selling has become almost exclusively a remote activity, raising stakes in a market where both consumers and businesses buy less. A virtual meeting could be a salesperson’s only chance to make a positive impression and pique the buyer’s interest, making it more critical than […]

Want High-Performing Employees? Change How You Give Feedback

Feedback drives employee performance and engagement—when it’s given the right way. What does good feedback look like? In his book Positive Leadership, University of Michigan management professor, Kim Cameron, demonstrates that honest and candid feedback helps employees perform better and develop resilience. Indeed, feedback in the workplace has many benefits, including the growth of employees […]

Stop Managing Performance. Start Improving It

Say you’re the COO of a growing startup. Since you joined the company, you’ve been ensuring it meets its objectives and even grows by setting Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and using them to track your people’s progress. That was until the coronavirus pandemic hit. Since then, everything has changed. Your workforce has moved to entirely […]

Making Performance Reviews Work For Everyone

It’s time to turn performance reviews from a one-sided event that makes employees cringe, into a mutual learning process that drives improvement. Does anyone enjoy performance reviews? Does anyone find value in this annual get-together between manager and employee, where goals are rated on a 5-point scale, and the results are locked away in some […]

How To Build
A High Performance Culture
in 4 Steps

A culture of high performance brings greater cohesion and better business results. The good news is, building it isn’t rocket science, and doesn’t have to take up all your time or resources. Here’s how to get started. Why Build A High Performance Culture Some think of organizational culture as a ‘nice-to-have’, a publicity generating tool […]

Culture Through Hypergrowth

How to maintain culture during periods of extreme growth Hypergrowth is arguably one of the most exciting times in the startup world; maybe you just landed a big round of funding, scored your biggest customer or merged with another fast growing company. Whatever the reason, things start to move- fast. Suddenly you’ve outgrown your crowded […]

Debriefing by Shamaym v. After-Action-Review: What’s the difference?

How do these two popular continuous improvement tools stack up, and which should you choose to help you build a high-performance organization. Building a continuous improvement culture is critical when you find your organization at a juncture, growing rapidly but seeking to maintain the transparent and open culture that got you to that point. Among […]