Hazera: Improving Culture to Reduce Future Costs With Shamaym


Hazera’s leadership team sought to promote a culture of operational excellence through continuous improvement and learning. The company was already working under an ISO 9001 quality improvement plan, but lacked a healthy culture around learning and improvement. It needed to build a new language and new routines around learning, and give leaders tools that would empower them to guide change.


We started with a program for managers and executives at Hazera’s Global Leadership Forum (GLF), where former CEO Rami Dar presented the 70-member GLF team with the executive leadership’s 2018 collaborative debrief.

Following this initial rollout we expanded the program to the entire Seed Supply organization. Over 3 months we trained managers to deploy routines and practices of debriefing and continuous improvement in their teams, which they implemented during the 6 months that followed.
The program’s expansion led to a steady rise in the number of debriefers and debriefs. As debriefs increased, so did discussion among team members on lessons learned, exhibiting a growing conversation about continuous improvement.

Customer Profile

About Hazera Seeds

Hazera (1939) ltd. is an agricultural company which main activity is the production of field crops seeds and ‘conventional’ field crops and vegetable. The Company specializes in the production of propagation materials for vines – wine, table and rootstocks as well as rootstock avocado seeds.


Future Cost Saving and Improved Processes through Debriefing

By debriefing both major and minor mistakes, as well as routine activities, Hazera altered the course of events that would have otherwise led to the same outcomes over and over, and created new, improved processes.

Debrief topics and their lessons include:

Future savings as a result of overproduction debrief and action item implementation
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Culture Change at the Team Level:

In our survey, teams reported significant improvements in attitudes toward learning and mistakes on 8 survey measures, such as:

in team members sensed openness to share about the mistakes they make​
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in team members’ implementation of lessons learned ​
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in actual sharing of knowledge among team members​
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23% in the efficiency of the time team members spend learning while on the job ​
0 %

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