
What is Collaboration?

  • Collaboration allows you to invite others to participate and add content to your item.

  • If you invite collaborators, they can edit your item and add their inputs (only in the designated fields). If they do, they’ll be shown as another author on the item.

  • You can add as many collaborators as you want, as long as they have a Shamaym account.

  • Collaborators don’t have to be in the same workspace as you.

  • Once you invite collaborators, they receive an invitation (request) to collaborate, and the item becomes pending until it is finally published.

  • The person who creates the item and shares it is the “initiator” or “owner”, and the person who collaborates is the “collaborator”.

  • The following guide is both for owners and collaborators


Create a collaborative item

  1. Click on the + (plus) icon

  2. Click on the “New Item” button

  3. Select a workspace

  4. Fill in the form, and note that some fields may be restricted (only collaborators can answer them)

  5. Click next and you’ll be followed to the last page


  1. Click Invite Collaborators

  2. Select collaborators

    1. You can collaborate with anyone from your company

    2. You can search for collaborators using the search bar

    3. You can select the entire workspace by ticking the checkbox

  3. Click Invite

  4. Once you’ve selected collaborators, the item will be scheduled to be automatically published in 3 days, at 9 am. If within those 3 days, it is the weekend, then it will be published on the upcoming Monday. For example, if it is Wednesday today, it will be scheduled to be published in 5 days (on Monday). You can customize the time of publication or cancel the auto-publish and publish it manually later.

  5. Click Send


Notifications, status, and updates

After sending the invitation, you can see the status of your collaborative item in a few places:

  1. Homepage – extended view
    At the top of the item preview, you can see when it is scheduled to be published, and by clicking Show collaborator status you can see who has already collaborated and who has not yet, and send reminders to the collaborators by email to collaborate.

  2. Item View
    When you open an item, you can see when it is scheduled to be published.

  1. Notifications Center
    Click on the bell icon, so you’ll be able to stay tuned for your collaborative item.

  2. Email
    A day before the item is published, you’ll receive a status email in which you can see who has already collaborated and who has not yet.

    You’ll receive an email notification when all the collaborators have joined your item.


When all collaborators join or when you wish to publish the item, you can add your summary and publish it, or publish it without a summary.

Please note that your item will be automatically published on the date and time you defined, whether all collaborators have participated or not.


Participate in a collaborative item


  1. Open the item (through the invitation/ homepage, see below in the “Notifications”).

    1. If the item is still pending and hasn’t been published, it will open automatically in edit mode.

    2. If the item is published, you can still collaborate, by clicking on the 3 stripes menu and Edit

  2. Add your inputs
    Note that some fields may be restricted and could only be filled by the owner
  3. Click Send

*You may invite others to collaborate as well. To learn more about inviting people to collaborate, see the “Initiate” guide



There are several places where you can see the collaboration invitation:

  1. Email
    You will receive an email notification once you’ve been invited to collaborate.
    Also, a day before the item is published, you’ll receive an email reminder to collaborate. You might also get a reminder directly from the initiator.

  2. Homepage- extended view
    You will see the label “Pending your response” as an indication that you have been invited to collaborate on this item

    You can also actively look for “pending” items, by:

  • Opening the advanced search filters

  • Clicking on the “All item types” filter

  • Picking the “Pending for my response” checkbox

  • Clicking Save and Apply


  1. Notifications Center
    Click on the bell icon, so you’ll be able to see if you were invited to collaborate.