Reporting issues

There are a few ways to contact our Customer Support team:

  1. Using the Support form

    1. Web: available by clicking on the support icon> selecting “Contact Support” > “Write to us”

    2. Mobile: available by clicking on the menu> selecting “Contact us”> “Write to us”

  2. Through WhatsApp

    1. Web: available by clicking on the support icon> selecting “Contact Support” > “Live chat”

    2. Mobile: available by clicking on the menu> selecting “Contact us”> “Live chat”

  3. 📧 At

🐞 If it’s a bug, please elaborate on the following:

  1. Operating system (💻 Windows/ Mac | 📱 iOS/ Android)

  2. If it’s a mobile device- please specify the device type and version (Xiaomi, iOS 16, etc) and your Shamaym app’s version

  3. When did it happen? 🕒

  4. What steps can we follow to reproduce this? 👣

  5. What happened? 📝

  6. If possible, please provide screenshots/ screen recordings/ files/ links.