Webinar Rewind: Achieving More Effective After-Action Reviews
On January 26, 2022, we hosted a webinar on optimizing After-Action Reviews (AARs). Joining us was Abiomed, a pioneer and global leader in medical technologies that provide circulatory and oxygenation support. Abiomed’s company tagline “Recovering hearts. Saving lives” is literally what they do. Abiomed’s experience with the Shamaym platform speaks volumes about the power of […]
How Continuous Improvement Enables You to Successfully Manager Your Project
Today’s projects are highly complex, demanding, and fast-tracked. Characterized by global locations, outsourced partnerships, and ever-increasing challenges such as Covid-19, projects involve higher levels of uncertainty than ever before. More is at stake in today’s business climate: Your medical device needs to come out at the right time, your software delivered to customers as agreed, […]